Like I said, SMAN 3 Bandung was full of event. Culture festival? Of course yes. In this year the festival is called Megantara. This event is held on September 10th 2016. Well, I don't take a part to be the committe for this event because of some reason. But I plan to join them in next year.

I join the parade which is started at 8 am. We walked through Belitung Street, Merdeka Street, and other street, and it finished at Lapangan Bali. Even though the weather is little drizzle, we still keep happy and exciting. Some kindergarten students were participated in this parade with their cute costumes. During the parade, we sang some Indonesian song and promote Megantara to everyone that we met. After the parade, I take a break and eat with my friends.

While waiting another friends to come, we were play and make our documentation in SMAN 3 Bandung. There was a lot of student who prepare some property and some of them was getting ready for the fashion show. After that we went back to Lapangan Bali at 3 pm.

First enter the event, there were some food trucks, painting decoration, stage, and of course a lot of people. There was also excited performances from some extracurricular of SMAN 3 Bandung. After that, there was a fashion show of Indonesian traditional clothes. And Ridwan Kamil was there too to announced the winner of that fashion show.

The most favorite performance is T'sT. They were just do the magnificent perform that make me speechless. And sadly I could not see performance from The Changcuters and RAN because I have to go home quickly.

Thanks to all committes of Megantara for the spectacular event. Congratulation on your success!


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