ACROSS 1. Supply with power. 3. Do better in performance or action. 5. Room under roof tile. 7. Surface for oil painting. 9. Large furry mammal. 11. Communication. 13. Not dead. 15. Making things yourself 17. More judicious. 19. For relaxation and bath 21. Place to put the books 23. Take part. 25. Unit of linear measure. 27. Having recently. DOWN 2. A place that living animals are kept. 4. Understand the feelings another person's emotion. 6. A person who always stealing. 8. Housing vehicles. 10. The number of legs on a bee. 12. Smaller extent. 14. Physical item used for a specific purpose. 16. Appears on the lawn in the morning. 18. People usually do it when their legs are weary. 20. To clean by the application of pressure and friction. 22. Octopus defense. 24. It can reduces value or usefulness 26. Mate of king.